This section is for system administrators who need to ensure that an ActivityHD company is set up for optimum security.

ActivityHD Security is set up at both the system level and at the company level. Security can be applied over the entire ActivityHD System and over each individual company. In addition, security can be applied on each authorized user.

Company security protects all resources in the company folder for each of your companies. Accesses for permissions are granted on resources and security views can be defined by resource. Company security is set up in each company's Administration > Security folder.

Before you set up security for a user, consider the user and the user's responsibilities. Then, on a regular basis, review each user's security settings and their current responsibilities to ensure they have sufficient access to perform their job but that they are also restricted from any sensitive data which they should not have access to.

Parallel windows, Authorized User, Permission, Resource, and Security View, are used to set up system security and company security. The main difference is that you access these windows from the ActivityHD System node in order to set up system security and you access them from a company node to set up company security.

Perform the following steps to set up security. Remember, if you are a system administrator setting up system security, start from the ActivityHD System node. If you are a system administrator or company administrator setting up company security, start from the company node.

  1. Create authorized users.
  2. Create company permissions.
  3. Define the permissions by granting accesses in the Permission window or the Resource window.
  4. The following steps are optional, but are required for advanced security.

  5. Create and define company security views.
  6. Assign users to security views or security views to users.